Sunday, February 6, 2011

Persuasive Essay - Draft

In addressing the issue of Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adoption, better known as LGBT adoption, one must recognize the importance of the “best interests of the child” standard. This moral idea simply states that the decisions the court makes regarding a child’s placement must directly reflect what would be best for the child, and no one else. This standard is very flexible and heavily dependent upon the circumstances involving each individual case. Generally, this is the largest concern when it comes to LGBT adoption. So, do same-sex couples lack the skills to successfully raise a child? To date, all research in the area of LGBT adoption has come to the same conclusion: Children of LGBT parents grow up as successful as those of heterosexual parents, and are no less happy and well-adjusted. This proves that (In this essay I am going to convince you that) it is not in the best interests of the child to disallow LGBT adoption.

            A common argument against homosexual adoption is that every child should have a male and female role model to guide them through the process of growing up. Though this argument is valid, it is not only the parents of an adolescent who influence their behavior. Society and the social environment in which the child is raised has an effect as well.  Children of single parents are able to find positive male and female role models within their family members and friends. This is the same, and should be considered the same, for children of LGBT parents. Good parenting is not influenced by the orientation of the couple, but rather by the parents’ ability to create a loving, supportive home – an ability that does not rely on whether a parent is gay or straight. LGBT couples have the same ability to mold a child in to an upstanding, successful, intelligent citizen, as straight parents.

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